Hello, friends! Are you as ready for Saturday as I am? What a week it’s been… well, let’s just forget about that, shall we? Today I’m popping in with a quick pic of the kids settling in at our son’s house last weekend. We haven’t established any permanent sleeping arrangements there yet so we just pull out the inflatable and some old bedding and make our little nest in the spare room. Not quite the same as home, but it’s a little like camping and we’re comfortable with it.
Sort of.
See, the thing is, Wally and LuLu think it’s a big dog bed and there’s no way they’re going to give up possession of it. They’re happy to share, but if we try to remove them… oh, the hurt in those faces! We wouldn’t dream of pushing them off their beds at home, so why would we do it there? Well, you know how we are when it comes to Wally and LuLu so, of course, all four of us crowd onto that inflatable double bed and just cling to whatever little space we can claim.
The sense of well being they give me is immeasurable, so as far as I’m concerned, nothing’s too good for them during their too short time in this life.
Love to you. Enjoy your weekend!