Hello! Long time no blog post, but thought I would share today a couple of
Shutterfly projects I recently completed. I made a Wally coffee mug for Rich a couple of years ago (pre-LuLu) and have always meant to make a LuLu mug, as well. Each mug has two puppy photos and one adult photo.
I never seemed to have just the right adult photo of LuLu until last month. I was looking for a fall photo which would coordinate nicely with the puppy photos. I would have liked more autumn leaves in her photo, but this one works okay, I think.
Also, Wally and LuLu finally have their own calendar. Here’s Mr. November:
The calendar turned out beautifully with its 12 x 12 photos and color coordinated pages. Throughout 2013 we had a Golden Retriever calendar on our wall and I kept thinking that should be Wally and LuLu up there. Well, next year it will be.
I also made a 48 page 12 x 12 photo book with the year’s favorite pictures, most of which you’ve seen here on the blog. I’ll make this an annual project.
By now I’m sure I’ve removed all doubt as to how completely over-the-top nuts we are about Wally and LuLu. Then again, I probably did that a long time ago.
I’ve started a file on my computer with possible candidates for next year’s book or calendar. When the time comes I’ll sort through them and only take the best of the best. The enlarged printed photos do look much better than I anticipated.
Gosh, I’ll try to not let a whole month go by before my next post. Our kids grow up so fast, don’t they? Have a beautiful day!