
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Break in the Weather

Picking up after more than a month since my last post... Winter doesn't necessarily mean we don't get out and about, but lately we've had a lot of wet and dark weather.  Not complaining; that's a good and natural thing for the Oregon coast, but we do take advantage of those rain breaks.

This past weekend we had some record high tides, so we planned a day to see if they were "all that".  The news reports were making much of it, but I guess after living on the coast all our lives it didn't seem too unusual.  Nevertheless, it turned out to be a rather nice day.

We're surrounded by water.  Drive straight in any direction and you'll end up in some part of the bay.

A little further on we stopped at the boatyard.  Most of these salty old vessels are under repair, but it's hard to picture some of them as ever being seaworthy again.  They're wonderful to photograph.

Wally and LuLu were ecstatic for the chance to run around and explore some new territory.

Color and character:

A bold claim for this tiny fishing boat.

See the name of this boat... I tried to get a better picture of it with Wally, but the day was too fun for standing still.

Here's one that's looking good:

From the boatyard to a pleasant little stretch of beach where the ocean meets the bay.  This place is called Tunnel Cliff, about 23 ft tall.

There's a walkway along the top of the piled up rocks in the foreground, but you have to keep away on a day like this, and never turn your back.  Miles north of us there were, sadly, two children swept out to sea this day.  They did not survive.

In the photo below you can see what appears to be a cave, but it's actually a tunnel that goes all the way through to the other side.  That's why they call it Tunnel Cliff.  At low tide there's no water here at all.

 And that was our Saturday on the southern Oregon coast.  I should play tourist in our own back yard more often.  It's a pretty nice place!  Wishing you a happy day!


  1. I'm always happy to see photos of Wally and LuLu! The coast there seems wild and almost angry but beautiful at the same time. You are very lucky to live in such a beauutiful place!

  2. Fabulous photos Leslie. Love seeing all the boats. I miss getting out on the water with my dad. His boat wasn't as big as these, but it was always fun. Sure looks like Wally and Lulu are having fun too. Also I want to say how much I like the new look of your blog. Have a great week.

  3. What a fun day you had and great pictures of it. I did see on the news about those children, so sad! Yes you have to be careful of when those waves take over, we have had some masterful ones here. I especially like the photo of Water Dog with Lulu and Wally!!

  4. thanks for letting me tag along on your memorable excursion, Leslie! What a beautiful area, so full of life, smells and sounds - and of course, the loving embrace by Wally and Lulu. Have you trekked through the tunnel during low tide? My favorite was always low tide, no matter which beach we visited. The tide pools and crevices were fun to explore and search through. Loved looking at the ships in various states of care. hugs, de

  5. oh nice pics. Love those boats. Bummer about those kids.
    We have -31ºc (-24F). I've been hibernating for the past 4 days and will pop out on Monday when it will be closer to normal winter temps. This is no fun. Enjoy your balmy weather. Have a great day

  6. what a lovely day. thanks for sharing it with us.

  7. It's an amazing nice place love all the pics and shame about the children-people underestimate the power of the sea
    Carol x

  8. I must say where you live along the Oregon coast looks amazing! Although it's nice to be by the water I'm sure it has it's pros and cons (with high tides and fierce winds) but wonderful scenery! So sad about the children being swept out to sea. I agree with Carol - that people underestimate the power of the sea, and that goes for any body of water even rivers with fast moving currents. Our downtown area is under water once again due to the amount of rainfall we had on friday and saturday. Many rivers (from the east) run into the Thames river (which flows through our town) which empties out south of us, but the level of river is up 3.5 meters and is suppose to peak tonight. I live far enough away so no worry here. Love the 'water dog' boat picture with Wally and Lulu, nice capture!! They truly look like they are enjoying the running and exploring. Also love how you captured the vessels in need of repair, some definitely showing their age. I truly appreciate your photography, and yes you should play 'tourist' more often, love to see more of your part of the country. Thanks for sharing today Leslie, have a great day!

  9. Thank you for sharing all the beautiful photos of our gorgeous Southern Oregon Coast:-) The waves have been amazing this month and Saturday over the top amazing!!! Hugs..Nancy

  10. Oh wow, I do miss being close to so much water, Michigan is the same way you are so close to lakes. I guess we are close to the Mississippi river but not the same. Love all the different boats and that wooden one looks great! Bet Wally and Lulu had a great time exploring the area!

  11. Some spectacular shots, and what a fun day it must have been.

  12. Thanks so much for sharing such great pictures! Love exploring like that. We are waiting for the snow to come this weekend!

  13. I just LOVE going on these little adventures with you! AWESOME photos and I can't thank you enough for sharing them! MADE MY DAY!!!

  14. wow love this the photos are inviting.xx

  15. Thank you for your lovely photographs. I am a Southern California desert dweller originally from the Pacific Northwest Washington state. I do miss the area but love the desert more. I enjoy your sharing ,not only the scenery , your garden, but especially Wally and Lulu. They are dears. Oh yeah, I like your cards, too. I am paring down on some of my subscriptions ,but never fear, yours I AM keeping. Again, thank you so much for bringing something great to look forward to with each of your posts. I so appreciate them.

  16. Wow you got some great shots!!! I have to go back and look at them again!

  17. Oh Wow-haven't we had the craziest weather this winter? We had a bit of snow this morning, but it is melting now. It's so pretty when everything is covered in a nice dusting of white! Enjoyed your walk!

  18. What a beautiful weekend that must have been... The photos are terrific and the dogs even smile!

  19. Those boat pictures are awesome. I have a digi/stamp that is similar to the three lined up that I like. I bet they were excited for a new adventure and smells. Looks relaxing and nice. In August I think John is going to be at a match in your town. I will get the details and see if you are close enough that I can stop by for the day. Would love seeing you and the puppies for the day while he's busy. :-)
