
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Catching Up

Oh, my gosh, I haven't posted here since August last year!  I go through these dormant spells on this blog, but it's catch up time now.

First I'll share from our final camping trip at the lake last summer.  Our friend came out to visit (outside, safely) one day and brought his furry family with him.  What a time they had!

The next two pics are wildflowers at the lake 'cause I can't resist photographing pretty much every flower I see.


September of 2020 was a tragic month for many in the western US who lost their homes, entire towns, their lives.  We were safe here, but now and then the smoke closed in on us from all directions.  Pictured below is the sun in late afternoon in a smoke-filled sky.  I can only imagine what it must have been like for those much closer to the fires.

Skipping to November for a couple of backyard shots:

The impatiens aren't looking their best by November, but LuLu still enjoys them:

LuLu again, loving a November day out in the wide open spaces...

... and in December, bringing Christmas dog treats home from our friend's house down the street.

My beloved family in our backyard, December:

There's even a pic of me and the dogs.  This one was taken at a favorite outdoor spot in January this year:

The last two photos bring us up to this month -- Wally with his Christmas moose:

Wally and LuLu taking themselves for a walk:

It's been a whole year of living life under the limitations of a virus pandemic, but we've managed to enjoy ourselves.  Thank goodness for our little family unit.  I hope to be here again before too long.  We're working on some home improvement projects that will keep us busy for a while, but that can be fun, too.  Wishing you a happy day!


  1. How I missed seeing your 'family' photos, so glad you caught us up. Wally and Lulu beautiful as ever. You always manage to get one or two of Rich, but so nice to see you in one as well! I always love looking at your photo's, it's nice to see your part of the country, and what you like to capture. Love the flowers, so wild and free. Yes, the terrible fires, I can not imagine how it was for those so near to them. So hard to believe it's been a year under the limitations. Sounds like you will be busy with your home improvements. Take care Leslie! Happy day to you to!

  2. LOve all youy beautiful catch up photos
    Carol x

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your family with all of us. Wally and Lulu are adorable as always. Good luck with your home improvement projects. Hope you all remain healthy and safe. Take care.

  4. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos, Leslie! I enjoyed seeing them!

  5. Awww..... so happy to see Wally and Lulu again as well as you and Rich. Glad that you were away from the fires. One got close to my daughter's house in southern CA, but thankfully it was brought under control. How life can change in the blink of an eye. Good luck on the home improvements.

  6. What a great way to begin my day... seeing the lovely and sweet Miller family! I'm glad you cannot pass by flowers without photographing them. Especially since these do not grow down here, your photos make me feel like I'm walking with you! Fur children are as happy as ever - they don't know there is a pandemic! How cute to see them hold their own leashes and toys. Loving the photo of you, Leslie. Not only are you beautiful to look at, your serene demeanor just makes me smile! I was quite taken aback by the photo of the sun in the middle of the smoke-filled day! Yikes! Thank you for sharing. xx

  7. WOW I can`t believe it`s been that long ago. Wonderful pics. Have a great day

  8. So nice to be able to catch up on the past few months with Wally and Lulu, so glad you all could spend time with friends, I am with you have to take pictures of those flowers when out :) Yes the fires were terrible and now the snow and cold is creating so much trouble for others. Great pics of you and the hubby with your furbabies! Love how they carry their own leashes... But that pic of Wally with the moose is just the sweetest!

  9. Thanks so much for these great pictures! It was nice catching up with Wally and Lulu! It makes me smile just looking at them. Pets bring such joy into our lives! Love the picture of the Christmas goodies! Jennifer just called they are on their way with Daisy so our day will be full of fun! Her best friend just got a Maltese puppy and they are having such fun sharing pictures on facebook! Have a great weekend and stay safe!

  10. What a joy to see the kids playing together for the last several months:-) They are always so eager to share their happiness, which we all need these days. A good example of all the positives still in our lives. Thank you so much Leslie for sharing your family's wonderful lives:-) Love and Hugs....Nancy

  11. Leslie,
    Your post brought tears to my eyes. To see your beautiful family always lifts my spirits. What a comfort your kids are to see in the wild, doing their own thing. Such a pleasure to enjoy their antics. Makes me realize how much I've missed seeing your family. Blessings to you and yours.

  12. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures and a little glimpse into your lives. I always take pictures of flowers too xx

  13. Hi Leslie, lovely to see you on here again. I have missed Wally and Lulu and your beautiful gardens. Love the family photos, but the best is the last one, the dogs taking themselves for a walk😊 You take care and keep safe. Jeanette, New Zealand.

  14. Lulu and Wally are a constant source of love and happiness. It's so nice they got to have fun and go swimming with their friends in the summer. Your garden is so glorious with the beautiful flowers and gardens, Leslie. You are truly blessed. xx

  15. Beautiful family photos! Such pretty flowers too. Oregon looks like such a pretty place!

  16. Thank you so much for catching us up! I love Wally and Lulu and when I don't seem them I worry. My little Bella turned 8 in January and Molly will be 4 in May so they are growing up. Thank goodness I have them or it would have been a truly lonely year! They are the source of joy and comfort to this old lady! It has just been us for nearly a whole year around here!

  17. Yay! I was hoping you would post here soon. I just love your photos almost as much as your cards!!

  18. Ahhh.....the sweetness of it all! I adore seeing these pics... you are such a beautiful lady...and your hubby is so handsome. With Wally and Lulu, you should all be in the movies! Thanks for sharing your life with us. I love it..... XO Hugs and be well.

  19. I just loving see these, Leslie! So glad you got one of you in there! I love seeing the dogs but the golden autumn leaves took my breath away.
    Home improvements? They're fun when they're done! Hang in there.

  20. I sure did enjoy this post with the adorable pups and beautiful pictures.. It's great seeing Wally and Lulu romping around with their friends. Looking forward to many more posts like this one, thanks for sharing.

  21. Well it might of been a year since you posted these fur babies but they sure look happy and healthy. I adore seeing you and Rich so happy. Thankful that you were not harmed by the fires and craziness too. Keep those walks going and stay healthy!

  22. Just saw this in my social gmail file. I love your flower loving soul and your precious pups are so adorable! I just lost my Beautiful Bailey this month so thx for making me smile! XXxX

  23. What a lovely post Leslie, with wonderful photos of the goldens (and friends!) doing what they love to do and gorgeous flowers as a bonus! It's true isn't it that life can turn upside down and inside out but with a family of dogs, you just carry on doing what you do. Eva sends gentle wags (I'm quite sure Wally and Lulu do this too, with ears down and melting eyes.) Vicky x

  24. Oh Leslie, this is the best post. Loved catching up with your family and photos. Something we all need right now-beautiful and peaceful pictures of cute doggies and wonderful people! ♥ Sue Kment

  25. Hi Leslie, somehow I missed this post :( I dropped by to say hi to Lulu and Wally and to let you know Dylan our Male who is 81/2 has just been diagnosed with Pigmentary Uveitis. It's genetic and we found out his father was diagnosed about 2 years ago. The breeder always encouraged us to take him and Tika for annual eye test for this problem. At least it's been caught early and hopefully the steroids will keep the pressure down and he won't be in pain. It has a similar effect to glaucoma. Hugs to both of yours ♥

  26. I just read about your loss on the other blog. These photos are so beautiful.
